Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Usual Suspects, Catholic Edition

Since everybody knows we should have wimminpriests, a bunch of the Usual Suspects are assembling the Plan to get there. 

Most of us in SE Wisconsin remember (Fr.) Dave Cooper because Abp. Dolan told him to SHUT UP; and as we all recall, Abp. Dolan was more than patient with dissenting twits.  (There's a hint.)

But that's not the only familiar name!  There's (Fr.) Eugene Pocernich, who is no longer active in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee where he served as a priest and pastor.  For some reason he's now in Chicago being active as an "immigration" activist, or something.

And then there's (Fr.) Steve Umhoefer, who has thankfully retired from his Madistan-area pastorate, and then there's the (now-) Fordham, but ex-Marquette priest-daddy....you can look him up.

There will be sound and fury, little else.  Get the popcorn! 

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