Sunday, November 12, 2017

Local Boy Makes Bishop, Attacks Texas A.G.

The current Bishop of El Paso, TX. is a Wisconsin native, raised in western Waukesha County.  He doesn't like the attorney-general of Texas, and has called him a "hypocrite."

...That’s what Bishop Mark Seitz called Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton last summer when Paxton led a group of officials defending the Constitution. ...

That's on the incidental and political matter of "DREAM" Act.

On the other hand, Bp. Seitz seems to have his mouth taped shut on morally-grave matter:

...the bishop admitted that he had never publicly corrected, much less condemned, Catholic Cong. Beto O’Rourke, his 100 percent pro-abortion U.S. representative....

In distinct contrast, Paxton--the "hypocrite"--is drawing tighter the noose around abortuaries.

...Last week, Paxton went into federal court to defend SB 8, a Texas law prohibiting “dismemberment abortion.”...

On broader matters....

...virtually all our bishops receive federal taxpayer funding for their secular welfare agencies, and often publicly lavish praise on these same pro-abortion officials at ceremonies staged to celebrate the generosity of the government that gives them hundreds of millions a year, rather than the taxpayer from whom the money was taken.

Meanwhile, while praising the generous government, prelates continue to complain about the stingy people in the pews, as New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan did a year ago in a letter to all his pastors.
One wonders. Shouldn’t we tell them that we “gave at the office”?

It's likely that Bp. Seitz is all hunky-dory with that "stingy" plaint, too.  Next time he's on a home visit, someone should ask him a couple of pointed questions, eh?

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