Thursday, September 21, 2017

Lock Them Up. Lock Them Up. Lock Them Up.

Nice Elitism you have here, Lois and Hilary.  It would be a shame if it were to go up in flames.

But unless Trump and his pet dog Sessions get their butts in gear......

On Friday, September 8, 2017 -- just before the weekend -- the DOJ announced that it would not prosecute Lois Lerner for her part in the IRS-Tea Party scandal. Evidence of Lerner's guilt is overwhelming....

Yah, hey.  The author, heavily credentialed in law, takes us through the Elite "Religion" phenomenon which permeates the Deep State.  What is that?  It is the belief that anything the Deep State Hive thinks is "good" is "good" regardless of law or ethics.  That is how the jackass in DOJ came to his "non-prosecute" conclusion.

...But the second reason for the insubordination is the inner conviction of the subordinates that their policy views are not supposed to be subordinated to those of the elected president and his top lieutenants. This is both because those views are religious in nature and because it is certain these subordinates believe that indeed the executive must not be allowed to be unitary.

Of course, this will be demonstrated predominantly when the chief executive is of the opposing party. Otherwise, all is well. Meetings can take place on tarmacs, investigations will be called "matters," classified and other government documents can be taken into personal possession, the names of persons swept up in surveillance can be unmasked and even leaked to the press, and the general refrain is "we will see no evil."

Maybe The Swamp will "see no evil."  But that's not how actual CITIZENS see things.

..we must insist and demand, publicly, that the only elected official in the entire executive branch -- the president -- act to control his underlings. (Some have begun to do so.) When he does act to control them, we must support him -- publicly -- vigorously (and peacefully)....

Peacefully, assuming that Sessions' butt is kicked hard enough to get him into the game.   This ain't the Senate, Jeffy-boy.  You have no "friends" anymore.  That's OK.  Treat them as Enemies of America.  They are. 

1 comment:

  1. I've said it over and over, no one from the corrupt Obama Administration will see jail time. It will be swept away. They are the PIGS in Animal Farm. Democrats, that is. Republicans are eunuchs and weasels.
