Friday, September 29, 2017

Aaron Rodgers, Cloud-Person

Rodgers is one helluva quarterback, already among the top three in NFL history.  He works hard at it, studies it, lives it.  Good for him!!

He is also paid a LOT of money for it, and--if he wasn't there growing up in California--he's moved into Cloud People land.

Yep.  Rodgers has declared that this whole kneeling thing is about the "divisive" President Trump.

Uh, no, Aaron, you ignorant twit.  Colin the Commie started that crap LONG before Trump was elected President--and for that matter, LONG before anyone thought he had a chance to win the job.

And it's Colin the Commie that is "divisive,"  Aaron.

You play football a lot better than you understand history and events, Aaron.  Keep your head in the football game, and one more thing:  you'll be a lot more loved if you'd get out of The Cloud-o-Sphere. 

1 comment:

  1. The guy lives in a bubble. What do you expect? There are way too many like him. Clueless and incurious.
