Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Looks Better Every Day

OK, I'll concede that The Donald shoulda stood in bed vis-a-vis Alabama politics.

But here's the good news!!  Speaking about various striped-pants flunkies, an observer tells us:

...They also believe Trump’s foreign policy is chiefly driven by an obsession with unravelling Barack Obama’s policies. “It’s his only real position,” one European diplomat said. “He will ask: ‘Did Obama approve this?’ And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: ‘We don’t.’ He won’t even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama....

Good.  Case closed.  Obama was--and remains--a Communist globalist wannabee dictator.  Fuck him.


  1. Amen

    I agree. Fuck Obama.

  2. Yup, Love this one too

    Trump Thanks Putin For Kicking Out 755 Diplomats: "We'll Save A Lot Of Money"

    WAAAA! Swamp creatures out of work!!
