Friday, July 07, 2017

The Speech in Poland

This speech was a humdinger; not hard to tell why the MSM doesn't tell us too much about it.

...This was a speech filled with remarkably apt references to Polish history, a subject surely few people suspected the president came to office familiar with. There were multiple references to Pulaski and Kosciusko, the Poles who crossed the Atlantic to fight for American independence...

...There were plenty of barbs directed at the former Soviet Union, whose downfall Vladimir Putin once called the great tragedy of the 20th century....

And in a portion which HAS been noted by many:

..."Our defense is not just a commitment of money; it is a commitment of will," he said. "The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive."...

Indeed.  That was directed at Germany, Italy, and France--and perhaps England, too.

Very important, given all the "Russians" bullcrap, is this:

...Trump announced that the United States will sell the most advanced Patriot missile defense systems to Poland. This is a reversal of the policy of the Obama administration, which in 2009 abruptly abandoned the American commitment to station missile defense batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic...

And Putin 'wanted THIS guy' to defeat She-Who-Should-Be-Imprisoned?  What morons CNN really employs....

Finally, the most significant takeaway:

..."We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth. But if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak. And we will not survive."...

Why is that the most significant?  Because, as Esolen will be happy to tell you, the Catholic Church's social doctrine begins with--is founded upon--the family.  Western society, also known as Judaeo-Christian, depends on the family's strength for its survival.  That's not because Trump says so; it's because the Church, particularly Pp. Leo XIII, says so.

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