Monday, February 27, 2017

Really, Pp. Francis? Really??

On occasion, you'll see a few black-and-white film clips of the mid-1960's Packers games, and one of the clips has Vince Lombardi striding the sidelines and loudly asking "What the Hell is going on out there?"

Well, if Vince were alive today, he'd be asking the same question, except it would be about the Vatican.

...And this is why he [Pope Francis] asks for the welcoming of those young people who prefer to live together without getting married. ...

...All these situations must be addressed in a constructive manner, trying to transform them into an opportunity to journey towards the fullness of marriage and family in the light of the Gospel. ...

That written by Pp. Francis' alter-ego, Fr. Spadaro.

Oh, yes, there's more:  rumors abound that Pp F. will be signing off on "deaconesses" and married priests in the next 15 months.


  1. " the next 15 months." Good!! I can't wait...finally "what was" is not the only dictator of "what's good".

  2. SSPX is looking better and better all the time.

  3. SSPX will not normalize; you'll then know the true remnant.

  4. Finally a modern chuch for modern times!!!!!!!

    When do you think we will be allowed Roman Catholic Poligamy?

    Sister wives anyone?
