Thursday, February 23, 2017

Journal-Sentinel Laughably Stooopids

Marie Rohde--assuming she still reads the paper--is rolling in laughter.

A Salvatorian priest has been charged with child abuse.  Based on his history, that's not a surprise.

But what IS a surprise is that he belongs to TWO religious orders (according to the JS story):

...Archdiocese spokesman Jerry Topczewski referred questions to Marsicek's religious order, the Salvatorians, or Society of Jesus....

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits/Jebbies) have enough problems without Fr. Marsicek.  See below post.


  1. Did the JS correct it?

    It now reads: "the Salvatorians, or Society of the Divine Savior."

    Regardless, this guy should have been removed a long time ago - or never let in originally.

  2. Yes, they changed the text; I couldn't make that up.

    The Salvatorians, recall, had one of the worst predators in Milwaukee over at Pius X parish. That one liked teenage boys.

  3. Actually, Peccore was at Mother of Good Counsel.
