Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Since Alaska Won't Build Highways.....

Since the State of Alaska won't build its own highways, Wisconsin taxpayers are forced to pay for airports and flying services for Alaskans.


Think Alaska should send $300 million down here so we can complete our highway projects?


  1. I'm impressed that you can go so long with so few comments. What keeps you going? Did you think at some point they'd ask your advice?

    I used to comment here frequently, but quit when I started getting anonymous threats on my home phone.

  2. Yup, I remember you. You might be surprised to know who reads this blog--and yes, they know who writes it. Frankly, I don't know how they found out....

  3. Jim,

    Dad is most likely as old as George Soros by now....... in their late eighties pushing ninety..... maybe....

    Yes, It appears the comments are few, but he gets comments,
    I suspect he culls the majority of them....

    or he has some backroom agreement not to publish many of them, and he responds by email... maybe...

    Don't know, I'm just guessing here.

    The thing is, that he is accurate on his interpretation most of times of current
    events and when he says some cretin craws out from under some rock some where, he is most often right, and he is funny about it all the while.

    That is what brings you back

