Monday, October 17, 2016

How "Catholic" Is the Catholic Campaign for Human Development?

Earlier, we mentioned that Judas has a successor in the person of John Podesta, a "Catholic" who organized and fund-raised for a couple of anti-Catholic organizations which claimed to be "Catholic."

Turns out that our modern-day Judas has a lot of acolytes--a number of whom were employed by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, as we learn from Anne Hendershott.

Alexia Kelley, for example, brought a decade (1993-2002) of experience of working on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for the Bishops Conference—during which time she helped funnel more than seven million dollars to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

But that's not all.

...Kelley was joined at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good by other colleagues from the USCCB, including John Gehring, Tom Chabolla and Francis Xavier Doyle...

Not only are these traitors to the Faith graduates of CCHD, they play dirty.

...During the time Korzen led Catholics United as a lobbying organization (501c4), he used bullying tactics against faithful Catholic writers who attempted to expose his questionable activities. Korzen was instrumental in triggering the political audit of William Donohue, the leader of the Catholic League. Donohue found out about Korzen’s role in triggering the audit from a CNN reporter. It is likely that Korzen also played an important role in triggering my IRS audit also—although the Obama administration has refused to respond fully to three Freedom of Information Act  requests from Atty. Charles LiMandri on my behalf....

(S'pose the John Chisholm persecution of conservatives was inspired by these cretins?  Remember, Chisholm and his associate Francis Schmitz are both nominally Catholic.  Just sayin'....)

 Now, of course, this leads to a question:  how many OTHER Judases are on the payroll of CCHD?

And that leads to ANOTHER question:  does CCHD deserve your support if you're a Catholic?

There are plenty of Catholic (and not-Catholic) 501c3's that deserve your charitable dollars and efforts. 

Maybe CCHD is not one of them.

1 comment:

  1. "...does CCHD deserve your support if you're a Catholic?"

    Answer: No! Nor does CRS (Catholic Relief Services). ANY charitable service spawned by the USCCB is suspect.

    Subsidiarity! Contribute to local charities where there is more transparency and you can see what good is being done.
