Thursday, August 18, 2016

Roger Stone Marries Jeh Johnson (!?!)

Roger Stone is a notorious dirtbag political 'fixer.'  Jeh Johnson is a notorious (D) hanger-on/lawyer.

Johnson now proposes to Federalize elections because there is 'some danger' of vote manipulation.  Note well:  there is no evidence of such.  The fact that a notorious lawyer/(D) hanger-on is proposing to institute Federal control over State processes is .....ahhh.....curious, indeed.

But he has help!!  Roger Stone, the dirtbag--and Trump backer--has found vote manipulation!

As someone with great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party, as I joined as the party of Goldwater, both parties have engaged in voting machine manipulation. Nowhere in the country has this been more true than Wisconsin, where there are strong indications that Scott Walker and the Reince Priebus machine rigged as many as five elections including the defeat of a Walker recall election.

Stone is nuts.  Johnson is malevolent.  That's about the only difference.

1 comment:

  1. Stone is not part of the Trump Campaign, he either quit or was fired.......

    Trump campaign claims it fired top adviser -- who says he quit
