Saturday, May 28, 2016

Spectator Sport: Smell the Sweat

This election season, for us #NeverTrump types, will be a spectator sport. 

And you can already smell the sweat from the "professional operative" class of (R) types who will not be employed by The Donald.

See, The Donald may well win this election by virtue of two key elements:  the MSM, which makes its money on trainwrecks/if-it-bleeds-it-leads stories, and his innate understanding of how to use the MSM.  He's beat them like rented mules and they keep coming back for more.



  1. JONATHON VAN MAREN has some good insights too!

    He focuses on Post Literate America, Post Christian America, and Post Marriage America to show why your buddy the Donald makes sense............

    A post-literate, post-Christian, broken culture has chosen its representative

  2. Got news for you: I'm a #NeverTrump guy. Always have been, always will be.

    But it's fun to see the professionals--who were complicit in effecting Trump-ism--shit and go blind b/c he doesn't need them at all.

  3. They are not sweating too much........
