Sunday, January 17, 2016

CAIR Threatens Ariens

A few days ago, Ariens Corp. (lawn mowers and snow-blowers) changed its policy regarding during-work breaks.  This affected about 50 Muslims, who were terminated.

CAIR, the velvet-glove half of jihad, issued the usual threats.

..."These types of accommodation disputes can be resolved in a spirit of respect for constitutionally-protected religious rights and for the legitimate needs of both employees and employers," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "We ask Ariens to revert to its previous policy allowing religious accommodation until a resolution can be reached that allows the workers to practice their faith and permits an efficient manufacturing process."... 

...Hooper noted that federal law requires employer to offer reasonable religious accommodation to workers of all faiths....

Let me 'splain something here, folks.  This is not All-About-Evil-Ariens.  This is about the NON-Muslim workers who have to make up for the difference when the Muslims do not do their jobs.  And you can bet a few bucks (or more) that a lot of NON-Muslim workers have made it clear to Ariens management that they are fed up with this 'observance.'

On the Animal Farm, some animals were more equal than others.  Doesn't work the same way on a production line.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy I bought an Ariens snowblower! Way to go Ariens.
