Friday, December 25, 2015

Gov. Walker!! Pay Attention!

EPA's new rules vis-a-vis air pollution will be VERY expensive for people and industry in Wisconsin, so Wisconsin joined a number of other States suing EPA.  EPA will fight, first by delaying a hearing for as long as possible, then by dragging out the case.  Aside from a (R) government zeroing out EPA funding (the very best solution for the maggots), there will be a long, expensive, lawsuit path.

North Carolina has a quicker path.

...North Carolina quickly developed a proposal that ignores two of the three strategies recommended by the EPA. The plan received initial state approval in November.

"North Carolina is way ahead of the curve in terms of putting pen to paper on a rule," said Clint Woods, executive director of the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies.

John Evans, chief deputy secretary for the Department of Environmental Quality, explained the rationale during a November meeting before a state environmental panel. He argued that the main lawsuit by the states could be drawn out by the EPA, making the state plan North Carolina's best hope to fight it in court.

"We expect the EPA to oppose being heard, and if they are successful, then ... the only chance for judicial review that we have available to us will be North Carolina's plan," he said.

Evans explained that if North Carolina submits a rule that's rejected by the EPA, the state can then take its case to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

"We have an appeal right there. That might be the first challenge in the nation to the federal power plan rule," he said....

Why wait around for the good sweet time of EPA?  

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