Saturday, November 28, 2015

Cruz. 10 Reasons Why

Somebody did this very well right at PJMedia.

...He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts....

...He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business....  He is despised by NeoCons for exactly that reason.

...He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them....

...He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt....  In every filthy nook and cranny, and oozing from the taps.

...Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates....An egomaniac and a very smart nice guy without a clue.

...Cruz is in but not of the system....

...He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president...

...He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event....

...He's a true believer in the United States of America....

...He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide....He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise.

More than you need.  Marco's another BushBoy, the rest....well....they're the rest (at best).



  2. Our leaders are utterly stupid. Trump is right.
    The Iranian deal is stupid.
    China is buying our coal, opening coal plants, not clean coal plants.
    They are laughing at us Climate change deal????? okay!!!!!

    George Soros is buying up closed coal mines in West Virginia.
    Our Leaders are not just incompetent, they are utterly stupid
    Trump is right.

    Listen to the interview

  3. Cruz, for all his good qualities, is also - sad to say - a slavish supporter of the Israelis and like all slavish supporters of Israel only too willing to have the USA spend its blood and treasure defeating Israel's enemies.

    Once upon a time America was an honest umpire in the Middle East, and we had no terrorist attacks by enraged Muslims (though I do not rule out black op/false flag scenarios). When America because Israel's number one supporter things changed for us, rather badly.

    But since ALL Republican and Democratic candidates will continue this insane Middle East policy due to the influence of certain well-heeled folks (what Sheldon and Haim want, Sheldon and Haim get) I don't see any relief from terrorism down the road.
