Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Fighter Who Is Not Donald? Cruz

Don't like The Donald, but you're certain that D.C. Republicans are as corrupt and fetid as D.C. Democrats?

Unlike RoJo, who went dark, hiding like a bunny in its hole after only one year, Ted Cruz doesn't quit.

...President Obama demands of Congress: fund all of Obamacare, with no changes to help the millions being hurt by that failed law, or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down. President Obama demands: fund his unconstitutional executive amnesty—or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down. President Obama demands: give $500 million in taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, a private organization under criminal investigation—or he will veto funding for the entire federal government. And Republican leadership backs down.

The core of this capitulation comes from Republican leadership’s promise that “There will be no government shutdown.” On its face, the promise sounds reasonable. Except, in practice, it means that Republicans never stand for anything....

...If leadership is correct that we can never win against the president, why did it matter to win a Republican House? A Republican Senate? If Republican majorities in Congress will acquiesce to and affirmatively fund the identical Big Government priorities that Obama supports, then what difference does it make who is in charge of Congress?...

Why, sure!!!  It can (and will) get worse!!

...the next step—likely coming in December—is that Republican leadership intends to give in to Obama and bust the budget caps, exploding the deficit even further because if Republicans do not Obama will threaten another shutdown....

Nobody cuts off Ted Cruz' balls.  They're solid iron and very, very big.

Vote for someone who gets it.  Vote Cruz.


  1. I would not vote for Ted Cruz. I find him despicable and Jewish bonded. When he said to eastern Christians "If you won't stand with Israel I will not stand with you". That was the ultimate turn-off for me. Though before that the Ted Cruz faucet was a weak annoying drip drip.

  2. Dad29, I can't discern the inflection of your uh-huh. But I reiterate I can't stand that man. Blesses.
