Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Cruz, Again

The more one sees of Ted, the more one thinks "Gee.  That could've been RoJo!"

...Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100%, on the other hand, has shown time and time again a willingness to put himself at risk of personal and professional alienation for the sake of his principles. Whatever you think about Cruz’s repeated efforts to repeal Obamacare, his actions with respect to the Planned Parenthood defunding fight have demonstrated, even for those who have been inclined to defend leadership over the years, how well and truly rotten the Senate leadership is. The fact that he put Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) 53% on record stating that adherence to the Senate calendar was more important than defunding Planned Parenthood was a public service to the whole world....

Here's why RoJo became a lily-livered plastic banana:

...for doing this, he has been the victim of an unrelenting campaign of smears and cold shoulders from the GOP establishment. No one in the GOP field – including Trump – has been the recipient of more invective and unsourced backstabbing than Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% over the years....

(The same goes for Paul Ryan, a very slick chameleon, indeed.)