Friday, August 28, 2015

At Least Wisconsin is Not Orange County--Yet

While the John Doe corrupto-crat "investigation" will be, perhaps, the most significant blot on Wisconsin's justice record--and it WILL be that--at least we're not Orange County.


...It turns out that prosecutors and police officers committed an egregious violation of Dekraai's rights—so much so that Superior Court Judge Thomas Goethals shocked everyone and removed the Orange County District Attorney's Office, and all 250 prosecutors, from having anything more to do with the case....

...Orange County has a secret system of evidence manufacturing and storage that they have used in countless cases, and the collusion is unraveling dozens of cases and may soon unravel the careers of countless prosecutors and law enforcement officers who've maintained it for decades....

Not to worry.  Those public "servants" will still have their salaries, benefits, and pensions, just like Lois Lerner and Kevin Kennedy will.  And we'll pay for them.

HT:  Grim

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