Monday, June 15, 2015

Obozo's Sex-Criminal Brigade

We've often urged y'all to Buy More Ammo.  There are several reasons for that, including this one.

...[T]he Boston Globe has published a riveting expose on information they discovered about hundreds of violent sex offenders who have been released with no desire on the part of the feds to seriously track their behavior or whereabouts.  After winning a lawsuit against ICE for withholding this information, the federal officials finally released the data to the Globe – just for the years 2008-2012.  The Globe discovered that 424 sex offenders were released during that time.  One can only imagine how many more were released after 2012 when the administration vitiated immigration enforcement altogether. ICE is still withholding that information....

Yes, it gets worse:

...They are convicted rapists, child molesters, and kidnappers — among “the worst of the worst,” as one law enforcement agency put it. Yet the Globe found that immigration officials have released them without making sure they register with local authorities as sex offenders. And once US Immigration and Customs Enforcement frees them, agency officials often lose track of the criminals, despite outstanding deportation orders against them...--Quotation from The Globe

The Pantywaist-in-Chief's little cabal has an excuse--sort of:

...The administration has defended their appalling criminal releases by hiding behind a court decision in 2001, Zadvydas v. Davis (and later expanded in Clark v. Martinez), prohibiting ICE from detaining aliens ordered deported for more than 6 months.  This problem is most prevalent when, as the Boston Globe observes in the case of Cuba, the countries of origin refuse to repatriate their citizens....

I have a solution to the problem of the Cuban (and Chinese, Mexicans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans), and it's relatively inexpensive!!  Freighter plane and parachutes.

(There are other solutions outlined by Mr. Horowitz which are a bit more genteel.)

Well, to re-iterate:  Buy.  More.  Ammo.  Your wife and children depend on it.  The (R) Congress is very busy with double-secret handshakes and code-words having to do with Trade.  They can't be bothered with this stuff, ya'know.

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