Saturday, February 14, 2015

Got Android? Be Careful Out There!

Public-service announcement from The Ticker.

One of the worst forms of computer "virus" is found in what is called ransomware.

There are a handful of variants out there today; all get into your computer through an email (usually) or nefarious web site that manages to trick you into loading what you think is a document or similar thing, and is really a piece of rogue software.  It then generates a public-key pair, sends the private part to the ransom server somewhere and uses the other half to encrypt the files on your machine.

It is un-defeatable.  Once you have it, it's all over.

Now this crap has shown up on Android devicesand it gets in by claiming you need a "flash upgrade."

You've been warned.


  1. Two good links

    How to rescue your PC from ransomware @

    Ransomware - What is ransomware? @

  2. Safe browsing practices eliminate most of the chance of getting this. On the PC, using something other than a Microsoft e-mail client (which is how I suspect my dad's computer got infected by a non-encrypting version of this) also helps mitigate the risk.

  3. Saint Revolution4/14/2015 11:51 PM

    Words of note and clarification are needed here.

    An "flash upgrade" (lower case) and an "Flash upgrade" (upper case) are two totally different things.

    In most, if not all, Android "devices" (tablets, smart cellular telephones, PDAs, etc.), the Android OS (operating system) itself is installed and resides on/in an IC integrated circuit "chip" on the device's motherboard (i.e., main PCB printed circuit board). This is known as SoC "system on chip".

    An "flash upgrade" (lower case) is an upgrade/change, done via an "flash upgrade" software program, that an User/Owner of an device usually commits to the SoC to modify and/or completely change parts and/or all of the Android OS on the device.

    An "Flash upgrade" (upper case) is an Adobe Flash Player product upgrade and/or complete install/re-install of Adobe Flash Player.

    Although Dad29, in this blog posting, refers to an "flash upgrade" (lower case), implying an SoC change, according to the second hyperlink SC Magazine article in Dad29's posting here,
    "...the latest variant of SimpLocker infects Users when they navigate to less-than-reputable websites and are alerted that they have to download an “Flash Player” to watch videos..."
    ExcerptEND .
    SC Magazine refers here to an fake Adobe Flash Player product upgrade and/or complete install/re-install.

    Adobe dropped support for Flash several years ago on ALL mobile devices.

    Adobe, in what may possibly be the single silliest move in their entire history, and they've had a lot of 'em, decided to drop support for mobile versions of Flash Player three years or so ago.

    The only LATEST Adobe Flash Player that operates on any mobile device is an modded Version 11.1.x.x of Adobe Flash Player that usually needs to be downloaded and then side-loaded/side-installed on the device. This is an special separate manual install of Adobe Flash Player.

    Any Android device User who wants to be "in-the-know" should understand that any message asking you to install Adobe Flash Player for your device HAS TO BE, LOGICALLY, NEFARIOUS because Adobe doesn't make/support Flash for Android any more.

    Your first clue of bullshit should be that these idiot ransomware developers are even requesting you to install an product that cannot even exist any more.

    You've been warned...and informed.
