Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Judy's Epic Fail?

Well, well.  Wisconsin's single largest beneficiary of ObozoCare makes the news again.

And it ain't pretty.

...Last week, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital revealed in a statement that a procedural flaw in its online health records system led to potentially deadly miscommunication between nurses and doctors. The facility sent Ebola victim Thomas Duncan home despite showing signs of the disease — only to admit him with worse symptoms three days later.

Hospital officials, who came forward "in the interest of transparency," initially cited workflow and information-sharing problems for the botch. "Protocols were followed by both the physician and the nurses," the statement noted. "However, we have identified a flaw in the way the physician and nursing portions of our electronic health records interacted in this specific case.".

Yah.  Guess whose brand-name appears on the "electronic health records"?

...Texas Health contracts with Epic Systems for its electronic medical records system — and the Dallas hospital isn't the only client that has complained about its costly information-sharing flaws and interoperability failures....

There's a reason for that, and it's been common knowledge in IT circles for 10 years or more:

...Epic has been the subject of rising industry and provider complaints about its antiquated closed-end system....

Rough translation of the problem:  Epic's systems are speaking Old Slavonic; the rest of the systems world is speaking English. 

But ya'know, a few million here, a few million there, (all to Democrat corruptocrats) and voila!!  It's the 'system of choice!'

And in an ObozoCare world, dead patients are a feature, not a bug.