Thursday, September 11, 2014

RoJo: Kill Off the EPA Jihadists

It is clear that the EPA is full of zealots who are waging Green Jihad against flyover country.

...A report published by the Institute for 21st Century Energy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce outlines the stark economic impacts of the proposed Clean Power Plan. Between 2014 and 2030, the U.S. GDP will see an average annual economic loss of $51 billion, an average decline of 224,000 job losses per year, and an average annual loss of real disposable income topping $200. It is also likely that those families with low and fixed incomes with bear the greatest financial burdens associated with these proposed regulations.

Further, EPA Jihadists, like their (current) President and Attorney General, are at war with the 9th Amendment to the Constitution:

...The proposed Clean Power Plan also represents a significant change in the relationship between the EPA and the states in the environmental regulatory making process. ...Since the time of the New Deal, the regulation of retail electricity sales and local distribution has been a sovereign state function and the 1935 Federal Power Act limits the authority of federal regulators to “only those matters which are not subject to the regulation by the States.” The proposed Clean Power Plan radically alters this relationship....

And their swarms of regulators will make our quarters virtually uninhabitable:

...The EPA itself concedes that 50 gigawatts of installed baseload capacity will be forced into retirement by 2020 due directly to the proposed Plan. This would come in addition to the 70 gigawatts of installed capacity that have already been retired or will retire in compliance with other EPA regulations. This 120 gigawatts of installed capacity is no small number – it is roughly equivalent to the amount of generation needed to power 60 million homes....

As destructive as that plan is, it is only one of the battles that EPA is conducting against the US citizenry.  Other jihads are running against the automobile, factories, wood-burning stoves, and anyone living near a ditch which might carry water.

It's long past time for someone--ANYone--to begin a counter-offensive against EPA.

Maybe RoJo will take it up, if McConnell lets him.

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