Monday, July 14, 2014

Indiana's Pence on EPA

Y'all remember that Scott Walker is going to do something about EPA's upcoming murder of the Wisconsin economy.

Indiana's Pence did.  Not much--it's just a letter--but it has some interesting factoids.

...Our state has a 300 year supply of coal, and coal has historically provided Hoosiers with reliable, affordable electricity. More than 80 percent of our electricity comes from coal, and the coal industry employs 28,000 Hoosiers. Hoosiers know that coal means jobs and coal means low-cost energy....

So that would be 28,000 more food-stamp folks in about 10 years. To Obozo, that's a feature, not a bug.

...The Obama Administration has already put in place regulations on power plants that will increase the cost of electricity in Indiana by 30 percent over the next seven years, according to the State Utility Forecasting Group. The newly proposed EPA rules for carbon dioxide emissions from existing and new power plants will only cause electricity rates to rise further while at the same time threatening the reliability of our electricity supply....

A thirty percent hike in rates BEFORE the latest destroy-America hit, and more to come.

If I were Pence, I would have declared EPA personnel to be persona non grata, rounded 'em up, and tossed them out of the State.  I hear there are plenty of vacant spots in Guatemala and El Salvador.


  1. Yeah, and Henry Ford put a helluva lot of blacksmiths out of work. Ah, progress...

  2. Worst analogy of the year, anony.

    Better: Obozo will do to Wisconsin what GWB did to Iraq. Mine may be over the top, but it's on point.

    Yours? fish riding bike.
