Sunday, June 15, 2014

NYTimes: Another Planet

One expects the NYTimes to defend, protect, and advance extreme Leftism (note that the Old Lady has not yet mentioned the "disappeared" emails between Lerner, Holder, and Valerie Jarrett.)  And since New York is not remotely close to Red States, one doesn't expect the Times to 'get' the Tea Party, either.

Sure enough, the Times does not disappoint!

The Times quotes Potomac Research Group strategist Gregory R. Valliere who said that it is not unreasonable to make a comparison between tea party conservatives and “Elizabeth Warren liberals” in terms of the rising tide of economic populism.

Even though Valliere would not directly make that comparo, the Times left it there, hanging out like their red flag with the yellow hammer-and-sickle.

It's no wonder that information-seekers have abandoned print 'journalism.'


  1. Interesting that some of the harshest criticism of Obama comes from the Washington Post which these days is appearing more pragmatic and centrist.

  2. P.S.: I am not a robot. I am a Main Street Republican.

  3. Saint Revolution6/19/2014 8:30 AM

    Ah...the LibEastCoast.

    Just like " <A HREF=">BridgeGate, New Jersey</A> " ... the police union's covert criminal retaliation for Christie's breaking the NJ police unions and "county-izing" the New Jersey police forces...

    ...a compelling read.

