Thursday, April 10, 2014

"First Amendment? Go to This Gulag"

The Feds have managed to start a range-war.  And to frost that cake, they have decided that the 'right to assemble' shall exist only in certain areas.

...Sandoval [the Governor of Nevada] said he was most offended that armed federal officials have tried to corral people protesting the roundup into a fenced-in “First Amendment area” south of the resort city of Mesquite....

"Fenced-in."  Sorta like...where Solzhenitsyn spent his time, eh?


  1. John Mitchell4/10/2014 8:41 PM

    You can thank the neo-cons under the George Bush Administration for making "free speech zones" and other restrictions of freedom of assembly and the Supreme Court, at the behest of CONSERVATIVES, for developing the criteria when evaluating its constitutionality. These "originalists" have generally sided with gummint. (golf clap)

  2. OMG still blaming Bush.

  3. Silly Ole Johnny stuck on the Hate Bush party line. He seems to not understand his Dear Leader signed H.R. 347. Take a looksie here Johnny.
    When you are done try to understand there is no politician in need of secret service protection out on the range. But keep your Bush hatred going, it will deteriorate your health and you can enjoy your Obamacare.

  4. I see John Mitchell isn't content destroying this site and is actively trying to destroy Shark and Shepherd.

  5. John Mitchell4/11/2014 8:01 PM

    "Blaming Bush"? Hardly. I was merely pointing out that ball got rolling under his watch, and apparently is continuing to move under Obama.

    A 399-3 vote in the House and a 50-0 vote in the Senate clearly demonstrates that citizens WANTED this bill to become a law.

    As far as me "destroying" this site, recall the reason that Dad29 put forth comment moderation is because of the raciss comments. As a good Christian, he is following the will of God in this matter.

  6. Well, it worked at the 2004 RNC convention in NYC.

  7. John Mitchell bragged about leaving numerous sexually explicit and racist comments on this board, and said his goal was to so the same on other conservative blogs in order to discredit them.

  8. Yup. And now he's yapping about 'censorship,' like the 14-y.o. he really is.

    That's the Left for you.

  9. Looks like the Feds backed down today.

    Probably regrouping for a Waco attack. Holder was Janet Reno's right hand man back in the day.
