Saturday, March 08, 2014

Obama, the Massive Fail

Don't need much more than this to get it:

“Since 2007, the population has grown by 15 million," he pointed out. "Yet there are 1 million fewer Americans who are working. The result is a shrinking workforce and expanding welfare rolls. Even over the last year, there were 13 percent more workforce dropouts than job gains, and 1 in 5 households are now on food stamps. The economy has consistently produced too few jobs to keep up with population growth, and did so again this month, falling 20,000 shy of the 195,000 jobs just needed to stay even."  Sen. Jeff Sessions

PajamaBoy Obozo is a Massive Fail.

1 comment:

  1. Of the 1 in 5 on food stamps, more than half are military families. Why is that?
