Monday, February 03, 2014

The New and Better Gummint-Control Games

If the Obamunist IRS fails to take you down, there are other means.

...Everyone in the House Chamber knew something that the American people have yet to fully grasp and Republicans have yet to demonstrate an ability to combat – that their government has grown so large, so complex, so involved in virtually every aspect of their lives, that it is now being used as a weapon to by a small segment of the ruling political class....

...There are the new revelations about the Administration intimidating banks to prevent them from doing business with a number of legitimate businesses.  The until recently covert Operation Choke Point administered through the Departments of Justice and Treasury is already having an impact on the financial industry and other legitimate businesses the Administration is targeting....

Such as?

Glad you asked!!

...Documents inadvertently leaked by the Department of the Treasury from a briefing on Operation Choke Point clearly show that the Administration is looking to significantly impact legal businesses because it believes the public needs to be protected from industries and customers deemed more likely to engage in criminal activity.  According to the Administration, those industries interestingly include ammunition sales, gun sales, home-based charities, gambling, pharmaceutical sales, short-term loans, raffles, Amway and Mary Kay-style sales businesses, and credit repair services....

Well, those are just businesses, right?  They're all evil anyway, ya'know.

Oh, wait!

...Then there’s the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, once headed by Elizabeth Warren, also now a key cog in the Obama Administration’s effort to regulate industries and personal decision-making....
As the Washington Examiner’s Richard Pollack recently reported, “they assume all businesses are predatory,” which allegedly gives them the ability to collect up to 96 separate data points from more than 1 billion credit cards.  That’s right – your government is now keeping tabs on how you spend your money.
Congress has asked CFPB questions about the consumer “snooping” program and has been given little in response.  The head of CFPB Richard Cordray did however inform Members of Congress that Americans cannot opt out or prevent this personal data collection....

The obvious response is to go to cash; but then the Obamunists will re-write the regs so that any CASH transaction over, say, $2,000.00 must be reported--as is now the case with cash transactions over $10K.

Of course, you'll be "protected."

And the check is in the mail, and they'll respect you in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Why would we believe anything in an article that includes the error that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was ever headed by Elizabeth Warren?
