Friday, February 07, 2014

Small Biz v. ObozoCare

Where the rubber meets the road. care reform isn't driving down the cost of insurance for small businesses, according to NSBA's survey of 780 small business owners conducted Nov. 20-Dec. 4. More than 90 percent reported that premiums went up for their health plans during their most recent renewal. One in four reported that premiums jumped by more than 20 percent.

..."These costs have real-world implications," said NSBA President Todd McCracken. "One-third of small businesses held off on hiring a new employee, and more than half say they held off on salary increases for employees."

The survey found that health care reform is leading 15 percent of small businesses to subcontract more projects instead of hiring additional employees, and 14 percent are hiring more part-time employees instead of adding on full-time workers....

(Oh, wait!  14% are allowing their employees to study art history part time instead of earning money.)

...Only 25 percent said they'll benefit from the health insurance tax credits available to some small businesses. And only 10 percent plan to buy insurance through the Small Employer Health Options Program, the exchanges set up for small businesses under Obamacare. The federal government's SHOP exchange, which serve small businesses in most states, has gotten off to a rough start -- firms won't be able to enroll online for SHOP coverage until late next year....

"Rough start" = "inoperative", eh?

....many small businesses still have a lot to learn about it -- only 42 percent said they have a clear understanding of the law and how it will affect their business. "Widespread confusion over the Affordable Care Act still exists among the majority of small firms," said NSBA Chair Jeff Van Winkle, an attorney...

They can go to the same ObozoCare 101 classes that Pelosi should attend.

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