Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Prissification of NRO

It all started with a Sinatra/Martin gag:

How do you make a fruit cordial?
Be nice to him.

Sinatra and Martin are barely cold in their graves, and the above is now 'puerile'--so declared by some twit at NRO who has a title.  He uses that word, 'puerile', to establish his adulthood, which was not in question until he raised the issue.  He's also straining at the gnat.

Actually, the joke is a sort of 'rough masculinity' thing, fitting many of the characters played by Sinatra in his movie years, and at home in Las Vegas and Army barracks of yesteryear.  Wouldn't surprise me if those guys purchased that joke from a gay joke-writer, either.  It is certainly not elevated discourse, but it's not a body-slam either.

It's possible that the NRO twit has never broken a fingernail, used GoJo, or had to piss in the woods.  Goody for him.  It's certain that he'll never engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Adults" of his type just don't do that sort of thing.

HT:  Vox

1 comment:

  1. "It's possible that the NRO twit has never broken a fingernail, used GoJo, or had to piss in the woods."

    Do tell:)
