Thursday, October 03, 2013

Screw You, Schumer and McCain!

HT:  Protein


  1. And you should be playing the scarecrow in your local production of the Wizard of Oz because you are a gross caricature of a straw man.

  2. Too bad these anonys aren't going to last four minutes in the Second American Revolution.

  3. Oooooooooooo!!! The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION!!!!!! (From still another anony, criticizing an anony! Irony at its best.

    No doubt some other anony will make a comment about donuts.

  4. Why does your avatar look like Shamu fucking a power substation? Only when you zoom in, do you see it's Tim blowing a hard object.

    Fuck laying off the donuts. Just stop eating, you tub of lard.

  5. Gotta love these teabagger "Oh, why are you being mean to me" graphics.

    As if the scorned-woman approach has value after you've backed yourself into the latest corner.

  6. Goodness, gracious, it doesn't take much to frost off the Comrades. Just quoting their words back to them is enough.
