Monday, September 02, 2013

Obozo, Our New Warmonger

The stupid "red line" ad-lib from our college professor idiot-in-chief now gets its own resolution for congressional approval.

...The substantive part of Obama’s proposed authorization of the use of military force, conveyed to congressional leaders over the weekend, contains 172 words. That’s significantly more than either the 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution authorizing the Vietnam War or the 2001 resolution authorizing retaliation for the 9/11 terror attacks,...

...University of Texas Law School Professor Robert Chesney said in an interview, Obama’s proposed authorization did not include a sunset date....

It gets worse:

...Obama has repeatedly said that “we would not put boots on the ground.” His proposed authorization, though, did not limit the kinds of military forces that could be used. It also does not specify the forces against which force can be used....

Not only is it "I'll do what I damn please, when I damn please, where I damn please, against whomever I damn please!"--it's also, quel horreur!  an up-yours to the fabled "international community."

...“Unfortunately, the president’s draft (authorization) states a violation of international law in every line,” said Mary Ellen O’Connell, a University of Notre Dame law professor. “Resort to military force is not permitted to punish the use of banned weapons; to address arms proliferation, or to respond to vague threats to the United States.”...

Should be fun to watch Wisconsin's junior senator decide on this one, eh?


  1. Been scouring media left and right looking for Tammy's take and can't find it anywhere. Green Bay/Fox Valley media are chock full of observations and reaction from Johnson, but can't find a peep from Baldwin. Hmmmm....

  2. She's probably muff deep in donuts. Sort of like you, Tim.

  3. The Turtle from Kentucky has been mum, as has the Hair Club for Men junior senator from that fine state. If hair gel imports from Syria are impacted, I'm guessing he's a no.
