Friday, August 02, 2013

Some Pigs Are More Equal Than Others

You'll all be read this.

The White House has approved a deal that will exempt members of Congress and their staff from some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Politico reported late Thursday.

... without the subsidies they currently enjoy, the members of Congress would have faced thousands of dollars in additional premium payments each year, the report said. However, the Office of Personnel Management now plans to rule that the government can continue to make a contribution to the health-care premiums of the lawmakers and their staff, it said, citing unnamed congressional sources and a White House official...

We could change the headline to this:  Some Pigs are More Equal Than Their Subjects


  1. I wouldn't be surprised that, as part of the "compromise", the "employer" subsidy of Congresscritters' health insurance goes from the 75% it is now to 100%.

    Not that it matters - both that subsidy and the pay come out of our pockets.

  2. Note to Dad,

    When you give somebody the keys to the car you should check to see if they know how to drive:)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. We will have to do the bris first, 932:)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Those weren't cries that was giggling at your impotence:)

  7. Come on even an aging predator Jebbie can do better than that.

    Or is that all that is bouncing around in that empty papist head?

  8. Forcing Congress to use the exchange was designed by the GOP and accepted by Democrats. It would treat Congress as though they have an employer who doesn't offer insurance, or as if they were unemployed.

    They are not changing the law. Congress still has to use the Exchanges. Anything that says otherwise is just lying.

    This means that the OPM - Office of Personel Management, an office of the Executive branch, which currently provides health insurance, can pay the insurance premium that they previously paid, to employees of Congress. There is no new appropriation of money, therefore it is not a budgetary issue. It does not change the ACA (Obamacare), therefore it is not an amendment to that law.

    I suspect you have never read any laws that have made it through Congress. Almost all of them are structured so that the exact regulations in furtherance of the nebulous goals of the law are delegated to the Executive branch. It's a great scandal of our times, actually. The way it's done is typically that some Cabinet head must "certify" in writing that some condition has been met, and then some other provision of law comes into effect. It's basically like variable-law.

    The ACA and most legislation passed in the last 25 years passes much rulemaking authority from Congress to the Executive. It's basically an abdication of rulemaking.

  9. One hardly needs to "read the laws" in order to understand that they are written by vainglorious popinjay self-centered slimebuckets.

    And after your lengthy and erudite (and entirely useless) discussion, we STILL have Congress exempting itself and its employees from ObozoCare.

    There. Said it again in about 20% of your verbage, thankyouverymuch!

  10. It's called providing background and context.

    Perhaps you can get off your pontificating ass, run for office, get elected, and then teach those D.C. hoods some manners!

  11. Saint Revolution8/03/2013 8:53 AM

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  12. Saint Revolution8/03/2013 8:59 AM

    TO: Ann 8/02/2013 12:57 PM and 8/02/2013 10:26 PM:

    At the very LEAST you moniker "them" "hoods", an extremely tame word for criminal traitors.

    Still, in the end, HOW THE HELL IS ANY OF THIS WORKING FOR AND REPRESENTING WE THE PEOPLE versus "them" simply sacheting and sidling up to the pig troughs for "themselves" once perpetuity?!

    This is what is REALLY happening WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS:

    Elitists' Ozark UnderGround City Fortress

    Elitists' Ozark UnderGround City Fortress 2

    Welcome To Pensmore

    Illuminati, FEMA, And Department Of Homeland Security

    Ozarks Fortress

    Anyone see this?

    The Ozarks Conspiracy

    The Ozarks Illuminati

    Huge Highlandville Home Spans 72,215 Square Feet --- Larger Than White HouseOzarks DoomsDay Bunker

    Don't crap me up with comboxes and comments on "conspiracy", an government conditioning word and concept to attempt to sidetrack purveyors and hearers of TRUTH.

    Whatever anyone thinks, pictures don't lie.

    The United States has turned into a simple two class system:
    government entitled above-the-law statists (which include the corporatocracy) versus the rest of us;
    bourgeoisie versus proletariat;
    governors versus governed;
    überliberals versus revolutionaries;
    criminal conspirators versus taxpayers;
    traitors versus patriots;
    power versus TRUTH;
    "them" versus us...

    ...and "they" made it this way and only "they" are responsible and to blame.

    "They" have no idea...

  13. Blah, blah, blah, St. Revolution. Same message, different links.

    Prove your patriotism other than by whining incessantly.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. We have a gay man (anony 5:22 p.m.) on the loose on this blog. Sodomy is a sin.

    Do you condone his behavior, Dad29?

  16. 522 has 2X chromosomes71

  17. Nah, that's a Lefty troll. I leave it there for edification.

  18. No, Dad29. A good Christian man repels sin rather than embraces it. Your excuse is thin.

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  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Your theology is as thin as your "concern" trolling

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. At least I have a theology, Dad29. You seem to be enjoying the sodomite that infiltrates your blog.

  24. Your knowledge is even thinner than your commentary and theology.

  25. Why is Anony 6:18 against gays? The Supreme Court says he could go to jail for hate crimes.

  26. IF the sodomite is indeed a "lefty troll", then why doesn't Dad29 out him in a blog post?

    No, Dad29 would rather rely on plausible deniability and allow him/her to post.

    At least I'm not skating on thin ice with God :(

  27. Why do you hate people enjoying their natural sexuality?

  28. Because Dad29 ain't who he used to be.

  29. Your hatred of my open homosexuality is against the United States Supreme Court.

    You may be facing hate crime charges.

  30. Your hatred of my freedom to live my life free from harm is against the United States Supreme Court.

    Why do you hate people to the point that you want to forcibly rape them, which is a crime?

  31. Wrong. I am forcibly raping nobody.

    You will submit. That is what SCOTUS has determined.

  32. Anony 8:51 a.m. here. I apologize for my rants, I was drunk. Forcible rape is against the law and a sin to boot. I sure some other person or anony will state differently, but this confession is the truth.

  33. Yes, and this is some homophobe trying to steal an identity. Good thing SCOTUS has had enough of your ilk, oh brave Anony 12:26.

    Now spread those cheeks while I spit on cock. You may feel some pain.

  34. Anony 12:20 a.m. here. Forcible rape is against the law and a sin to boot. I sure some other person or anony will state differently, but this confession is the truth.

  35. Anony 6:21 here. Dad29 has the tightest ass on this board, and he approves of natural sexual release.

  36. Anony 9:05 a.m. here. I am in the midst of a drunken stupor and apologize for my actions. Forcible rape is against the law and a sin to boot. I sure some other person or anony will state differently, but this confession is the truth.
