Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Is Ryan Serious About Higher Office?

If Paul Ryan is serious about running for President, he's not going to have a free pass from Conservatives.

Ryan has been toying with amnesty in the usual Double-Talk fashion, underlining "border security" but forgetting that NO recent President or Congress has bothered with "security" at all.  He also propounded a new economic theory:  that more supply (of cheap labor) will necessarily drive the price of labor UP.

Ryan bent over and went with "leadership" to continue NSA funding of domestic spying, which (of course) he would categorize as "necessary intel-gathering."  Not even the author of the original Patriot Act--Sensenbrenner--could stomach this abuse of the Constitution by the Statists-in-Charge.

And Ryan has artfully voted against ObozoCare when it NEVER MATTERS--but is now, along with RoJo, mumbling about a "shutdown" --the language of the (D) party--instead of "defunding Obozocare", which is exactly and ONLY what the citizens of this country want.

Really, Paul?


  1. I had high hopes for Paul Ryan. He's just another Rhino.

  2. "If Paul Ryan is serious about running for President, he's not going to have a free pass from Conservatives."

    I call BS. If his name's on the ballot, you'll vote for him. Just as you did last November.

  3. Dad29 should run for office as a true conservative. He has all of the answers.

  4. Dad29 should lick my testicles. They are magical.
