Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Was It Just "the Democrats" Destroying Detroit?

From what one hears and reads from the right, the Democrats were solely responsible for the decay and collapse of Detroit.  Nothing else mattered.  Only the Democrats in the city council and the school board.

Not Toyota.  Not Honda.  Not Hyundai.  Not Volkswagen.  Not Nissan. 

Just the Democrats.

Not J-I-T, not design-for-manufacture, not Six Sigma, not robotics, not single-piece flow, not cross-training, not global sourcing, not CADAM systems.

Just the Democrats.

Not the Great Recession of '08-present, either.  Nope.



  1. Yup. Just the damn dimmycrats. Well, and maybe organized labor, which proved the adage about there being plenty for bulls and bears, but not for pigs. Forty bucks an hour for a lunchbucket job you got from a relative, not from an education.

  2. I think a population of 91% feral blacks had something to do with it.

    You can have liberal-run cities, such as Portland and Seattle, without them looking like West Mogadishu.

    These are facts.

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  4. Considering other locales had the same Toyota/Honda/Six Sigma/robot problem and not collapsed because they turned in various degrees away from the 1960s union/liberal utopia (i.e. the Detroit Rat method of governance), and given half of Detroit's liabilities are government union pension costs, I'd say the Detroit Rat method of governance sank Detroit.

  5. HO-LEE merde!

  6. Being from Hamtramck, which went broke- bankrupt- earlier and oftener than Detroit, I can attest it was the Democrats. You can't blame Detroit "blacks" per se, since it was Polish Democrats who ran Hamtramck into the ground with sweetheart pension deals for all sorts of city workers.

    A large amount of socialist concepts from the 1930's were, and to greater or lesser amounts part of the worldview of large American industrial cities. There was a parallel worldview among the large corporations, described in books like "The Managerial Revolution." Common public and private themes were compartmentalize, annex, and grow in size; up to certain critical points, when apt, these are good strategies. Alas, these strategies occurred at the same time that the "worst," per Hayek,were getting to the top, to a greater degree in the public sector, of course, but some in the private.

  7. Ummmnnnhhh...yah, but "blacks" doesn't explain Modesto, CA., does it? Or Illinois, which is within 12 months of Ch. 9. Blow your racist crap someplace else--like at Capper's place, please.

    The Northern Euro socialist crowd--which also dominates Milwaukee--is a good candidate for guilt. Thanks for the reminder.

    Steve: no one metro area took it on the chops more than Detroit when the Japanese invasion occurred. And while the UAW was a big part of the problem, FoMoCo, GM, and Xler management weren't exactly pure as driven snow. As Tartar implies, some of those managers were as blind as bats and dumb as boxes of rocks.

  8. Detroit was totally unprepared for the switch to Japanese cars. All the marketing gurus in the Big 3 couldn't wrap their heads around the facts of increased Japanese sales & the reasons for the sales, or even ask questions like "Why aren't these car buyers going for Volkswagens-- what does this preference mean?" Or "What are they going to do when they attain their market share goals?" You can't blame the UAW for that. Look, the auto companies were going to pay what they were going to pay, more or less, based on economic factors; they just wanted to manufacture and sell cars and turn a profit. What did your typical car company executive care if the UAW claimed credit for raises, benefits, and so forth? Where the UAW and other unions hurt is that they protect the low-level nuisance, the guy who ought to be fired, and the chronic shirker. A bunch of Polish American WWII vets managed to make continued operations at an obsolete Dodge Main plant worthwhile. Their neighbors and relatives in the Hamtramck city government managed to drive a city bankrupt. Hamtramck, Detoit, Highland Park (former home of Chrysler Corp. HQ) and a couple of other small towns are broke. Wayne County is next.

  9. Tax bases are built on the backs of whites. When blacks rob, rape, murder, and otherwise run off that tax base, how the fuck do you think services are going to be paid for?

    It's not like Shitavious and Lafuqueena are going get off their KFC laden asses and get jobs. Shit, they have to read at a third grade level first.

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  11. "Blow your racist crap someplace else--like at Capper's place, please."

    You know you are one of us, Dad29. It's ok to admit it, you're among white friends. It's another week to church, you can always repent then. Don't fight the urge to show your true colors.

  12. What I DO know is that you're a Lefty Capper-sucker false-flag troll.

  13. Telling that your first line of defense is to point fingers at others rather than address the issue directly.

    Capper? Trust me, you and him are one in the same...flinging partisan poo all over the walls in hopes it sticks. Your track records speak for themselves.

    I can think for myself amid the myriad of baseless generalizations and concocted arguments.

  14. I spread tons of messages on Twitter, and on blogs, for years, and had zero impact. Except that I was told to take a hike.

    I conclude we can't force people to look at the facts. They will seek the facts themselves when they have had enough of the black BS and are ready to seek the truth. But by then the damage done to society will be fatal, and all they'll really learn is what jackasses they have been all their lives.

    Someday, you will come around.
