Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Business Records" or Private Information?

Ticker mentions a disturbing ruling from the 5th Circuit.

You do know that your phone is always communicating with the towers when it's turned on, right?  That's how it works -- it has to occasionally ping back and forth between the tower and device in order for a call to route to you, a text message to be delivered, etc.

Guess what?  There now is a court ruling that since you voluntarily "gave" that information to the cell company even though it would be impossible for you to have such a device and have it work without giving that data to them because your giving that data (your location) was "voluntary" it is not protected under the 4th Amendment and thus does not require a warrant.



  1. Saint Revolution7/31/2013 10:52 AM

    NSA cocksuckers continued:

    If you know anything about IT, this is a REALLY BIG DEAL:
    FBI, NSA Want Master Encryption Keys From InterNet Companies
    This will negate any private surfing via SSL (https://*.*), nulling any and all certificate-based two-way bidirectional surfing (https://*.*) privacy. This is tantamount to being forced to hand the keys of your home over to the NSA.

    There’s No Hiding From The NSA - NSA Can Find You Even When You Power Down Your Cellular Telephone.

    When cellular telephone not needed:
    -take battery completely out,
    -wrap cellular telephone in layers of tin foil,
    -store cellular telephone deep into the refrigerator,
    - keep battery far separated from cellular telephone.

    NSA Says There Are Three Different PRISMs


    The NSA Is Completely And Totally Out Of Control

    Former NSA Chief William Odom Calls CIA Out Of Control

    NSA Is Building The Country’s Biggest Spy Center

    Spying Out Of Control: NSA Bugs EU Offices, Gathers Routine Info On US Citizens; Is NSA Surveillance Legal? Constitutional?

    ...and here we have the sloberal libocrats, of course, blaming, who else, the American people for the bad behaviour of government sociopaths:
    NSA Out Of Control: We The People At Fault

  2. Saint Revolution7/31/2013 11:03 AM


    There’s No Hiding From The NSA - NSA Can Find You Even When You Power Down Your Cellular Telephone.

    When cellular telephone not needed:
    -take battery completely out,
    -wrap cellular telephone in layers of tin foil,
    -store cellular telephone deep into the refrigerator,
    - keep battery far separated from cellular telephone

  3. It is the people themselves, who have traded liberty for security, whether personal or economic, at every opportunity. Well within their rights. And, yet, we complain about the loss of freedom???

  4. Saint Revolution7/31/2013 2:10 PM


    That's a conditioned response for government automatons.

    You're a liberal asshole who commits evil and somehow that's my fault?!


    By that twisted hippocampi, Jesus got what he deserved for not fighting back.

    Automaton response courtesy of USG conditioning.

    ...and, again, BULLSHIT.

  5. "You're a liberal asshole who commits evil and somehow that's my fault?!"

    Your first mistake is stating I am liberal. I am a human being.

    Your second mistake is stating that it is evil for a person to exercise their freedom how they see fit within the prescribed laws within a society by a majority who makes those laws.

    Now, Timmy, put up or shut up. Run for office to fix things within the system or try to physically overthrow the gummint if you believe the system is broken. Your move...

  6. I'm going to stuff my uncircumcised cock up Anony 5:28's rectum.

  7. Deranged, atheist Anony, 8:29 p.m., is up to his old tricks again.

  8. I look forward to fucking you bareback, Anony 11:20 PM.

  9. Anony 2:16 a.m., one of Dad29's drunken toadies trying to impress. Seek help through the Lord!

  10. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

    I don't submit to sky fairy law, thanks.
