Tuesday, July 02, 2013

BizOpinion? Nah. BizAgitProp

We find the usual propaganda in this column.

...Unfortunately, he's not an American citizen.

Born in Lebanon and educated in Beirut and the United States, Nassif is a 30-something poster child for the immigration reform debate raging in Congress. His recent search for full-time employment in Wisconsin turned up dry, despite holding a degree from one of the nation's best computer science schools. He will soon move to the state of Washington to begin work for a major company there


The fact that some Wisconsin firms will not (or can not) provide H1-B status for Mr. Nassim cannot be generalized to a condemnation of current immigration law--but our columnist goes on to make exactly that inductive argument:  (NB:  inductive argumentation often produces fallacies)

...The gap is most glaring when it comes to keeping foreign-born workers with specific skills needed in a knowledge-based economy. The United States annually graduates about 40,000 foreign-born students with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or math, but only a fraction are allowed or encouraged to stay. ...

It is interesting and germane that the columnist did not address the question of compensation, no?  Did Mr. Nassim choose NOT to interview with some Wisconsin firms because they would not meet his salary expectations?  Do other "best and brightest" immigrants do the same?  We'll never know, will we?

But here's the capper:

...Aren't immigrants taking jobs from native-born citizens? Not in the case of scientists, engineers and technicians, who remain in short supply nationally due to decades of decline in the production of American-born students in those fields. ...

Mr. Still flat-out ignores the fact that the "short supply" of native-born STEM people has to do precisely with the compensation afforded those individuals vis-a-vis the cost of obtaining their education.   Repayment of college loans for a US education is a monster burden, and as long as foreign-born H1-B STEM grads can undercut salary requirements due to college-cost differentials...well, do the math yourself.

The case of Mr. Nassim is cynically used in a fashion reminiscent of Shrillary's "...it's for the chillllruuun!!" ravings, and the columnist goes on to elide pertinent but inconvenient facts.

That is a good definition of propaganda, friends.


  1. Saint Revolution7/02/2013 9:42 PM

    This guy is a fucker. I can throw a stone and hit fifty qualified and duly experienced US born citziens unemployed and displaced from their IT jobs. His article is bullshit, he is part of the problem selling Amercan IT boys down the river, and he should be guillotined as a traitor to true Americans everywhere.

    Liberal sot.

  2. You and Daddio are embarrassments.

  3. Add this guy to the long list of Americans who Saint wants executed for the good of his America.
