Sunday, June 23, 2013


Remember all those AFSCME/public employee robots screeching for Big Gummint?

Yah, well, they got their Big Gummint, and something else, too.

...local governments across the country have been quietly doing exactly the same thing — cutting part-time hours specifically so they can skirt ObamaCare's costly employer mandate, while complaining about the law in some of the harshest terms anyone has uttered in public. The result is that part-time government workers — many of them low-income — face pay cuts that can top $3,000 a year, and yet will still be left without employer-provided benefits...

...Dearborn, Mich.: "If we had to provide health care and other benefits to all of our employees, the burden on the city would be tremendous," said Mayor John O'Reilly, explaining why the city is cutting its more than 700 part-time and seasonal workers down to 28 hours a week...

...Long Beach, Calif.... is going to cut hours for 200 part-time workers so it doesn't have to pay $2 million to provide health benefits...

...Virginia: ... is requiring that about 7,000 part-time government workers put in no more than 29 hours a week.

There will be more.  Lots more.  And while schadenfreude feels good for a few moments, it's really an avoidance reaction to the tragedy that's unfolding for thousands of little Gummint gerbils that swallowed, whole, the lies of the Progressive Statists they so ardently supported.

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