Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The End Justifies the Means: Bill Ayers, Terrorist

Let's start here:

...Certainly the liberal news media haven’t publicized the fact that the man who launched Barack Obama’s political career in his living room was the leader of an organization that attempted the mass murder of American soldiers at a dance....

Umnnhh, come to think of it, no they didn't!

When questioned whether his terrorist bomb-throwing was akin to the Boston terrorist bomb-throwing,  Ayers drooled and farted something about the 'awfulness' of the Vietnam war--so 'there was no comparison.'

In other words, to Obama's most significant early supporter, the end justifies the means.

Got it.  Thanks, Bill.


  1. Obama's most significant early supporter

    A $200 donation is a "most significant early supporter? There is no evidence of anything more than a casual connection between Obama and Ayers. Ayers hardly launched Obama's career.

  2. Get AIDS and die, Jim.

  3. Jim:

    There is no evidence of anything more than a causal connection between Obama and Ayers.


  4. Obama refers to Ayres as a mentor in the books Ayres ghost wrote for him.

  5. Ayres [sic] did not ghost write any books for Obama, nor did Obama refer to Ayres [sic] in either of his books.

  6. Ronald Reagan's career was launched by Joe McCarthy. It's true.

    Got it. Thanks Joe!

  7. I see Jim still believes a demonstration sparked by a "despicable video" caused the terrorist attack on our embassy in Benghazi.

  8. I see that you still believe that it matters whether or not the local militia took advantage of protests in other countries of the Arab world to provide cover for their attack.

  9. Hey genius - it was a consulate 600 miles from the embassy. Your understanding of this obviously suffers from general ignorance of the facts in this case.

    Carry on.

  10. The End Justifies The Means: Michael Vanderboegh

    This man--who cashes federal disability checks--urged opponents to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide to protest Obamacare.

    “To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW. Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night,” he wrote. Several Democratic offices were vandalized.

    Hey, if a brick just happened to hit a woman or kid, who cares, right?

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  12. I thought it was: "The ends justify the morons".

  13. So much for Christian values, eh, anony 8:54 a.m. and James?

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  17. Most of these anony posts are from dad29 himself. He is a true Jeckel and Hyde.

  18. Anony 7:42 p.m., then you are a lost soul. Do you want salvation? Find God or face eternal damnation.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Your soul is lost, no worries.

  21. Waging war against the USA is Treason. There is no "stature of limitations" protection for that capital offense. Any citizen can arrest any traitor and turn the subject over to federal authorities. The use of deadly force is allowed to suppress resistance to any such arrest.

  22. Good. Let's go after every left wing traitor posting here.

  23. 230 gr JHP would make The Joker's head look like a mess of makeup, fecal matter and snot.

  24. Anony 5:41 p.m., you don't have the guts nor the means to make it happen.

  25. Try me, fuck face. I can disappear you in less than 90 minutes.

  26. The hell you will, chickenshit.
