Thursday, May 16, 2013

Holder's Damnable Stupidity

Maybe Holder spends too much time on the golf course?


  1. Eric Witholder. Recused himself from the AP wiretap subpoena verbally to his deputy, only.

    The scandals are what to expect when you let liberals run things.

  2. I guess you don't recall remembering Alberto Gonzales.

  3. Your sedition needs to be punished, Dad29

  4. Looks like I'm off my medication.

  5. I see Jim never heard that old adage about two wrongs not making a right.

    Same shit I've been hearing nonstop from the left. It's their only defense for supporting a corrupt fraud.

  6. Two wrongs DON'T make a right. But outrage on one and silence on another makes hypocrisy.

  7. It also makes a nice distraction from the problem we have today.

    Same crap I hear from the union crowd when trying to defend why we still need them. Don't those IRS workers also have a union who would support their actions?

    Bonus question. Did GWB cover for Alberto's incompetence like the corrupt fraud Obama, or did Mr. G. have to hit the road?
