Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hillary Lied, People Died

Yah, well.  She's always been a liar; the stakes changed, that's all.

CBS: Five House Committees (Armed Svcs, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Intel, Oversight) released interim report on Benghazi. 

Congressional Report: Secy Clinton's testimony to Congress was incorrect when claiming she was unaware of certain Benghazi security requests

Cong Report: Secy Clinton signed an 4/12 State Dept cable acknowledging then-Amb Cretz's formal request for additional security assets

Cong Report: but Clinton ordered the withdrawal of elements to proceed as planned.
Secy Clinton testified in Jan. 2013 "I didn't see those requests. They didn't come to me. I didn't approve them. I didn't deny them."

Cong Report:White House/SState Dept. Officials Altered Talking Points to protect State Dept. from criticism for inadequate security levels.  CBS News quoted at AOSHQ

IIRC, "testimony....was incorrect..." translates to perjury.

Wannabet there's no prosecution?


  1. Where in your post do you note that all five House Committee reports were provided by the Republican majorities and ignored input by Democrats?

  2. Obamacare -- all shit provided by Democrats, whilst Republican input was ignored.

    Good for the goose, good for the gander...semen stain.

  3. False. ACA mostly Republican/conservative ideas (including mandate).

  4. So, fuckface, you say this on another thread:

    "I'm not going to look up your lack of citations. Stop being lazy. If you read them, cite them and link them. I may not like your "cites" but if the source is reputable and not overly partisan, I'll read them and consider."

    Post a link to back up you Kos talking point, or shut your fucking mouth.

  5. Big words for such a little man.

  6. No response from Jim.

    Jim is a gutless liar.

  7. More big words for such a little man.

  8. GOP Benghazi claims against Hillary Clinton are "total bullshit".

  9. Right-o, JimBoy!!

    The dead people are NOBODY'S responsibility.

    Hildebeeste was SecState, she had oodles of warnings.

    Some bozo with a title now says "Well, there's too many layers of shit in the pie"....

    Wrong, asshole.

    HRC is responsible.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You forgot to post that language as "Anonymous" like you usually do.

  12. Actually Dad, you're full of shit, asshole.

    Read it and weep.

  13. "The dead people are NOBODY'S responsibility.

    Hildebeeste was SecState, she had oodles of warnings.

    Some bozo with a title now says "Well, there's too many layers of shit in the pie"....

    Wrong, asshole.

    HRC is responsible."

    Using this logic, how did GWB get off so easy? He had oodles of warnings, too.

  14. Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US, from the August 2001 PDB.

    What are you, new?
