Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Walker: Increase Spending, Increase Personnel, Increase ....

Rumblings and rumors:

Wisconsin’s above-average income taxes could decrease and its below-average sales tax and user fees could increase as a strategy to attract more economic development to the state.

Republican Assembly leaders caution that talks on reforming the state’s tax code are in the early stages.

Maybe you readers can discern "SPENDING REDUCTION" in the above lines.  I can't.

You won't find "SPENDING REDUCTION" in the Governor's budget, either.

Nor will you find "PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS" in that document.

But he's unintimidated, or something.


  1. You've made the erroneous assumption that these people are interested in reducing spending. The only things they are interested in "reducing" is the power of their perceived enemies, e.g. unions, and the taxes for their friends.

    It's just like Republicans at the national level. They are NOT concerned about reducing the deficit. They only want to de-fund the social programs they don't like. If they were so worried about the deficit, they would raise more revenue and take an axe to the defense and DHS budgets.

  2. Saint Revolution3/26/2013 11:29 PM

    Who the hell IS Scott Walker any more?!

    Sybil...already packing for D.C. while turning midling RINO.

    What the f**k ever...

    Somethin's goin' on...

    Wis-congame-sin...run fast, run far, but run...

  3. All I know is that Walker could kick Ryan's beee-hind in any election.

  4. You had your chance to get rid of him last spring. Teapublicans are forever late to the party.

  5. The comments from "Jim" above are spot-on. The Republicans are, in one way, worse than the Democrats.
