Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Bitch Is Back!

Shrillary returns, in the usual form.


  1. I thought the RCC voiced a resounding "no" to such philosophies as the philosophy of gender regarding the title of this post.

    But, I suppose “women’s rights” is acknowledged by those Christians who feel compelled to use explicit language to describe apparent boorish actions conducted by a female. So much for civility...

  2. Dad's upset she exposed Plastic Ron for what he is - overmatched by a strong female. She's threatening to shrills like Dad and his political heroes.

  3. She was awesome! Best SOS evah!

  4. "At this point, what difference does it make" that Jim is a partisan hack who likely molests Boy Scouts in a gang-infested broke-ass California park?

    I mean fair is fair, no?

  5. Hillary announced to the world that her state dept. doesn't care who attacks us or what happens to them if they do.

    Way to go lying BITCH!

  6. Hillary just dominated that hearing.

  7. Saint Revolution1/24/2013 7:09 PM

    Billary Cliton murdered her close "friend" and confidante-who-knew-where-the-bodies-are-buried Vince Foster. Why the hell would she care about a bunch of soldiers and civilians she has never met?

    Suicide my ass.

    Blood clot my ass.

    The Clit should have just sat in with the diplomatic mission. This beast has a witch face concrete cracked puss that can salt pillar anything.

    Sheeeeeeeee's meeelllltttting!!!!!!!!!

  8. Good to see that Daddy Zero can still attract his usual following of misogynists and single-digit intellects. Stay classy, my friends!
