Friday, December 07, 2012

Wow. Michigan Goes Right-to-Work

Both houses of the Michigan (!!!!!) legislature passed right-to-work bills yesterday; the Governor of the State has indicated he'd sign them.

There was violence in the state capitol; the cops arrested 8 of the Usual Suspects.

One of the two bills is specific to public employees; the other covers 'anyone else.'

(Obozo "remains opposed" to the right to work, of course, but the Pantywaist pResident couldn't take time from his golf schedule to help the UAW, SEIU, and AFSCME defeat the legislation.  Tells ya something, no?)

Can Wisconsin be far behind?


  1. Thank you Koch brothers! And thanks to ALEC for doing up the paperwork so the lame duck Michipubbies didn't have to.

  2. Can Wisconsin be far behind?

    The answer is an emphatic no. Walker is a chickenshit and a traitor to conservatism.
