Friday, December 21, 2012

Time to Primary Sensenbrenner? (Part Two)

We mentioned 'primary-ing' Sensenbrenner earlier.

And he keeps asking for it, louder and louder.

Yesterday he (along with Ryan) were happy to vote for Boehner's tax increase--unlike actual Conservatives who recognized that Boehner's "Plan B" was all give and no get.

To give Ryan the benefit of the doubt, he voted with Mr. Suntan to keep his chairmanship--from which he can fight another way and another day.

Sensenbrenner doesn't have that excuse.


  1. Time for Dad to start that exploratory committee...

  2. Saint Revolution12/21/2012 1:36 PM

    TO: Ann 12/21/2012 12:46 PM:

    Explore how big of boot will fit up your ass.

  3. Says the "true Catholic"...

    Why don't YOU run? You seem to have all of the answers...
