Friday, December 28, 2012

Think This Is Possible?

The first really big contingency is this one:

...Let us imagine for a moment that sweeping a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President....

That would be Feinstein's Folly.  There is no question in my mind:  it will not pass--not in its current form, and not even if highly watered down.

But if it does....

...Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicepersons, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders....

...After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted...

No matter how it ends, it ends badly.


  1. Sounds like a wet dream.

  2. The Oath Keepers--the white version of the Black Panthers--depending on where one stands, are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia...

    No wonder James Pawlak is salivating.
