Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Remarkable Record of "Electable" Pubbies

Austin Ruse reminds us of the dirty Stupid Party secret:

...The fact is also that the GOP and conservative elite had their hat handed to them on Election Day. It was not just Akin and Mourdock who lost. Moderate and establishmentarians lost across the board. Heck, the Establishment pumped hundreds of millions into races where their candidate lost by the same spread as Akin lost to McCaskill. Thompson, Berg, Rehberg, Allen, Mack, and McMahon, all establishmentarians or moderates, all received tons of party or Rove cash, not an Akin among them, all gone, all defeated....

Oh, and Whats-His-Name from Massachusetts lost to Fauxcahontas, too.

Not to mention the Eminently Electable Romney.


  1. I'm so glad we agree: conservatives of ALL stripes had their asses handed to them.

    But seriously, and I say this with all sincerity, however "pure" you motives may be, you should really take a couple math classes and maybe some social theory courses.

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  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It's Thanksgiving. Get a family and a life, anon. Don't be a loser. Your comments make you look weak and pathetic to everyone. If you're going to make comments like above, be a man and address Jim with your real name. Better yet, make your comments to him face to face instead of using a public forum to embarrass yourself with drunken nonsense.

    It's all about being a man, anon. And I think you're not one. Let's see if I'm wrong or if you run and hide like the weakling I know you are.

  5. Run along now, wimp. No point staying around here since you can't address Jim as a man.

  6. Maybe. But you're weak. You can't even address him as a man. All you can do is launch haymakers from the cheap seats on a blog. That pretty much makes you a coward. So maybe you should just man up and address him as a man. Call Jim whatever you want to his face.

    Or you can sit back and look like the drunk weakling who has nothing better to do but launch insults at 2 in the morning.

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  8. Still firing blanks.

    Sign your name like a man or be a coward. It's that simple, anon 1:56.

  9. I'm sure Dad29 will get around to deleting all of these anti-Christian comments directed toward Spice.

    On the topic at hand, recall that Dad29 supported those "electable" pubbies in the election. He and a number of other conservatives dumped their principles for the possibility that by voting for a moderate, he would "harnessed" by the hard right when in the White House. How is that strategy working out? Wait, I see, you and your brethren will sign a petition that calls for secession as the solution, buy more guns, and attend the premiere of "Red Dawn". Whatever floats your boat...
