Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Astounding Victory of Obozo

Gee.  There's a lot of ...something.... going on here.'s a story that the MSM will quietly bury: St. Lucie County in Florida had a 141% turnout on election night. President Obama also managed to win 99% of the votes, according to the numbers, in various districts in Broward County.

...In polling locations in Philadelphia where Republican observers were thrown out, Mr. Obama received once again over 99% of the votes cast. In Cleveland, he received 99.8% of the votes in 44 districts, and he benefitted from 108% turnout from eligible voters in one county in Ohio...

We were similarly surprised at the turnout in the City of Milwaukee, by the way, reported to be 87%.

HT:  McCain


  1. What was turnout in Waukesha and Washington Counties?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Does this really surprise anybody?

    Fraud abetted by a media in Obozo's pocket.

  4. Ummmh, these percentages reflect the growth of new registered voters over the last four years. These "astounding" numbers are based on '08 registration figures. Y'know, the GOTV effort that D's will continue to have a significant advantage in.

    But don't let that stop you from sucking on your sour grapes...

  5. Anony, why are you projecting YOUR unwillingness to pay off your debts to Jim Spice? He owes NOTHING to ANYBODY, you freaking liar!

  6. Back off on attacking Spicey here. I'll delete every one I find, asshole.

  7. Clicked on your St. Lucie County link and found that what you contend is bogus. 247,000 vote cards were turned in by 175,000 voters because each voter was handed two cards -- one for the candidates running for election and the second containing various referendum questions. Sounds like many people, after standing in line for a long period of time, wanted to vote for the candidates and skipped the referenda. Do you even read the crap you link to, DaddyZero?
