Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bp. Ricken Voices a Warning

Green Bay speaks.

“A well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program that contradicts fundamental contents of faith and morals,” Ricken said in the letter. “Some candidates and one party have even chosen some of these as their party’s or their personal political platform. To vote for someone in favor of these positions means that you could be morally ‘complicit’ with these choices which are intrinsically evil. This could put your own soul in jeopardy.

Can't be any clearer than that, can he?


  1. Yep. Clearly not going to vote for Romney.

  2. Yank the tax-exempt status.

  3. From a church that knighted the Jerry Sandusky of British children's TV, Peter Savile...

    Why wouldn't folks listen to who these church leaders instructed us to vote for?

  4. Looks like Dad29's advocating a theocracy..

  5. Uhnnhhhhh....your ignorance is in pixels!

  6. Really, Dad29? Are you that dense? So when priests and bishops tell their congregation members to vote a certain way, are they not advocating that the country be governed exclusively by religious principles?

    And if you want to talk about being "morally complicit", then I suggest you never link to weaselzippers or crusaderknight, lest you jeopardize your own soul!

  7. Perhaps you should look up the definition of "theocracy."

    You may learn something. Or not.

  8. Theocracy is a form of government in which official policy is governed by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided...

    OR is pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religion or religious group! entire Church tells its members to only vote for politicians who adhere to a particular faith, and {whallah!} its policies reflect its core beliefs at the expense of other faiths. One can look at Utah...all of the state's representatives in Congress, all of its Supreme Court, 90% of its legislature and 80% of its state and federal judges belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  9. So in your first two paragraphs, you've demonstrated that the Bishops have failed miserably at "theocracy."

    Then you demonstrate that you know zip, zero, nada about demographics.

    My, my.

  10. "So in your first two paragraphs, you've demonstrated that the Bishops have failed miserably at "theocracy.""

    For now...they've got you and your boy St. Revolution and his minions to remind the heathens, atheists, and "fake Catholics" how the Bible ought to be read and Christianity ought to be practiced!

  11. Wow, talk about cranky!

    That whole freedom of speech thing is funny, isn't it. In Canada he'd go to jail.

    We do live in a theocracy today, I'm not sure why the Left can't admit that.

  12. "We do live in a theocracy today, I'm not sure why the Left can't admit that."

    Does that include ALL religions, or just the "most desired", who makes political decisions based on their faith for their country/community, Badger Catholic?
