Monday, September 17, 2012

SCOAMF Goes From Bowing to Scraping

Reported by Instapundit:

The Obama administration’s Department of Justice official Edward Perez, who is the assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, refuses to say that his department won’t attempt to criminalize blasphemy in the future.

We're not fans of blasphemy.  It generally betrays ignorance, or at the least, poor breeding.

But this seems that the SCOAMF's Cabinet follows his lead.  There is no American value which supercedes his own "values".  Those "values" include killing newborns.  Odd, eh? 


  1. "We're not fans of blasphemy. It generally betrays ignorance, or at the least, poor breeding."

    So you would oppose individuals who call Islam in its entirety an "evil notorious savage gang"?

  2. Maybe Mr. Perez "refuses to say that his department won’t attempt to criminalize blasphemy in the future" because it's one of the stupidest ideas ever to come down the pike and he refuses to give it any credibility.
