Sunday, September 16, 2012

May He Live Out His Days in Peace

The retirement of H.E. F. Bruskewitz has happened, and his successor has been named.

As the Diocese of Lincoln celebrates its 125th anniversary, Bishop James D. Conley has been named the region’s ninth bishop by Pope Benedict XVI.

Bp. Bruskewitz, after a little scuffle with some demi-apostates, has accomplished a great deal in Lincoln.  Flying under the radar of the usual MSM anti-Catholics, he established a seminary in Lincoln (remarkable, given the population thereof), and welcomed the establishment of ANOTHER seminary--that of the FSSP.

Both have been very successful in producing priests, 'other Christs', which are the One Great Necessity for the Church.

May Bp. Bruskewitz live out his days in peace, fishing in the waters of Northern Wisconsin.

1 comment:

  1. I remember him well as my pastor at St. Bernards years ago. A holy and faithfull man.
